Mittwoch, 08.05.2024 15:33 Uhr

The conflict in Ethiopia

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 25.11.2020, 12:34 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 6270x gelesen

Rome [ENA] The Nobel Peace Prize winner "for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation, and in particular for his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea", Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed launched military operations in the country's northern region. An optimistic Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte congratulated Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali on 11 october 2019.

Now the conflict is menacing to turn into a sort of civil war. Hundreds of lives is costing the conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray region and tens of thousands of people are fleeing to Sudan . But the region is just one of several in the country experiencing violent unrest amid a tense political transition. On 22nd November 2020 Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced the expiration of a three-day ultimatum for Tigrayan leaders to surrender, and from that moment aimed at sending federal troops to Mekelle, the Tigray region capital. The High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, today urged the parties to the conflict in Ethiopia to give clear orders to their forces to spare and

and protect the civilian population from the effect of the hostilities. She added that the extremely aggressive speechmaking on both sides concerning the fight for the city of Mekelle is extremely provocative and risks placing already defenseless and terrified civilians in serious danger. Ms. Bachelet said she was also deeply disturbed at the continuing communication blackout in Tigray, making it very difficult for civilians to speak with families, and for the UN to monitor the human rights and humanitarian situation. UN sources report that more than 40,000 Ethiopians have now crossed into Sudan since violence broke out in Tigray. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and its partners have been able to deliver and dispense life-saving aid,

including food, to more people. But the humanitarian response continues to face logistical challenges and remains overstressed as there is not enough shelter capacity to meet growing needs. UNHCR is also moving refugees away from the border – with logistics and distances limiting the number of people that can be transferred. Inside Ethiopia, UNHCR remains worried about civilians, comprising displaced populations and aid workers in Tigray. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) are urgently seeking $76 million until January to help 2 million people in Tigray, Afar and Amhara regions of Ethiopia.

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